DBA or Assumed Name

DBA, Assumed Name or Fictitious Name

Diversified Corporate Services files DBAs, Assumed Names and Fictitious Names, in all 50 States and the District of Columbia, on a daily basis, as it has for over twenty-five (25) years. Simply complete our short order form indicating your specific preferences. Diversified Corporate Services’ experienced corporate specialists will review your information for correctness and completeness and contact you, when necessary; We then prepare your document and submit the Certificate for filing with that Secretary of State. In as fast as one (1) business day Diversified Corporate Services will have your DBA, Assumed Name or Fictitious Name recorded with the specific State indicated on your order. The option for Same Day service, in any jurisdiction, is also available for an additional fee.

Once the Certificate has been filed, in that specific State, and returned, Diversified Corporate Services will ship the completed legal documents to you.