Professional Practice (PC, PLLC, LLP)
Diversified Corporate Services forms professional business entities (PCs, PLLCs, and LLPs) in all 50 States and the District of Columbia on a daily basis, as it has for over thirty-five years. Simply complete our short order form, indicating your specific preferences. Diversified Corporate Services’ experienced entity formation specialists will review your information for consistency and completeness. We then prepare your documents and submit the professional corporation, professional LLC or limited liability company documents to the Secretary of State of the specific State for filing. Some States require prior clearance from the state licensing authority of that specific specialty prior to submission to the Secretary of State; an additional fee applies for that clearance. The option for Same-Day service, once clearances are obtained, is an additional option. You are also given the option to have us obtain your Federal tax identification number and file additional tax forms.
Once the formation has been completed in that specific state and returned, Diversified Corporate Services will ship the completed legal documents to you with a customized Deluxe leatherette corporate or LLC kit that contains Federal and State tax forms, a chrome-plated seal, minutes, by-laws, or a full operating agreement, and fifteen (15) stock or membership certificates. In the case of a Limited Liability Company (LLP), only the filed Certificate of Registration and chrome seal are shipped.